Professional Sniper

Professional Sniper
Assasination by an Invincible Terrorist

Saturday, January 19, 2008

English Project

Shocking Incident

Today, I had just arrived home from a very tiring badminton training. I fell exhausted as i flopped wearily on to my bed. Then, I received a call from one of my close friends. His reason for calling me sent a wave of shock that jolted my entire being. An accident had occurred! Within
moments, I learnt that Melvin, Yijun and Anjie had been involved in a car accident. Apparently, they at just came out of school and were about to cross a road. I do not know the whereabouts of the accident.
As they crossed the road, suddenly, a speeding pick-up truck came bearing down on them even though the green man light was on. The truck hit Anjie and Yijun and missed Melvin. Yijun suffered from abrasions while Anjie broke his collar bone and was admitted into hospital. I am truly and deeply appalled that such an incident would happen to my classmates. I really hope that they would recover as soon as possible.
Perhaps we should suggest to our principal to look into the danger of the roads that accidents had occurred, especially the road that leads to the bus-stop outside the condominium, Laguna Park. Maybe humps should be built along Marine Parade road to alert vehicles to slow down.

Friday, January 18, 2008

English Project

Something that took place in school

On Thursday,our history teacher was about to wrap up the whole lesson with an interesting video clip as it was one o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone was eagerly waiting for this part of the lesson to begin. Then it happened. The fire alarm went off."Ring.....!" I was jolted in surprise as I was not anticipating this sudden alarm.

Everyone immediately scrambled out of their seats at the commotion. Soon, Mr Chia, our discipline master spoke through the intercom in our classroom, telling everyone to walk to the field where all the classes would assemble. Everyone was tense with fear and suspense as we thought that a fire or a dangerous incident had occurred in our school. We sat on the artificial grass in the field, under the blazing sun, as we waited patiently for further instructions. After for what seemed like eternity when it was in fact just a few minutes, the principal of our school, Mr Low, announced that this was a fire drill. Immediately all of our worries were instantly dissolved in relief. "Whew! It was only a fire drill." I thought to myself.

As we walked back to our classroom, I thought that this fire drill was well proceeded as everyone was cooperative and did not panic. If there was a real fire, we would be ready for it!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

English Project

A Blessing in Disguise

Today I was on my way home from sailing, when I heard a familiar song being broadcast on the radio. The song brought a smile to my face as I recalled a wonderful incident that happened a couple of months ago. . . . . .

The strong glare of the sun parched dry the plants along the pavement as I walked in haste towards the cineplex. My heart throbbed with excitement to watch the movie, "The Warlords". At that moment, I caught sight of a boy in the corner of my eye. He was huddled in a deserted corner. I rushed over, only to see a young boy in tears. Fear was written all over his face. I learnt that he had lost his mother and could not find her in the cineplex. Out of sympathy, I comforted him and took him to the information counter . While he waited for his mother, I decided to forgo the movie so as to take care of the boy . Soon, his mother arrived and the boy was greeted with kisses and hugs of relief.

I felt extremely good on the inside knowing that I have done a good deed, however I was still disappointed and upset that I was not able to watch the movie. To my surprise, the little boy's mother handed my a free ticket to watch another interesting movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks! I was elated. As I walked past the movie advertisements, I realised that the movie,The Warlords, was NC-16 . I was really glad I helped that boy.

Now! You must be wondering what that song had to do with this recount. Well, that song is the theme song of the movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks! The song is just beside this recount. YOU MUST HEAR IT!

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Change of Thought towards Blogging

This is my first post on a blog in my whole entire life. I was introduced to blogging during the final year of my primary school days by my peers. However,I was busy preparing for PSLE then and so did not give blogging a second thought. I thought to myself; creating a blog is an absolute waste of time. I now realised how terribly wrong I was.
As I create this blog, I come to the realisation that blogging is not only enjoyable, but it is also a wonderful tool for communication. It can be a platform for me to express my opinions and thoughts to my readers.
Through this blog, I can gain even more knowledge and experience on the use of IT. Blogging is indeed a fun and engaging way to interact effectively with my peers and loved ones. I believe I will grow to understand my peers through blogging far better than before.

Nil Sine Labore
Isaiah Lim

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